AND the guys are helping me keep it that way. Talk about a huge change in attitude! We are lazy cleaners generally. My house has never been truly dirty—you wouldn’t call the hoarders show on me for certain, but it gets to where I am facing C.H.A.O.S (can’t have anyone over syndrome) if I don’t do a major deep clean ever so often. No C.H.A.O.S. any more and that is huge. It is also very money saving.
How does a clean house save money?
1. It costs more to heat and cool clutter. Less things to keep comfy, the less needed to do them.
2. If I know where something is (ie where it belongs) then I’m not tempted to purchase a replacement rather than hunt for it.
3. Things left out that shouldn’t be are more prone to meet with a cat related accident of any type if they are secured in their proper storage place. No breakage or other mess on it, means no need to clean up, repair or replace.
4. Being tidy helps you spot potential problems and do a $5 repair rather than a $50 or $500 repair.
5. If you are trying to keep the fridge empty of leftovers you tend to use them rather than lose them. Example: yesterday’s pot roast is today’s roast beef hash and tomorrow’s roast beef sandwiches for work.
The list goes on, but you get the idea.
Along with deep cleaning I’ve been working on a possible budget getaway for dh and I. So I’ve been spending some of my “time budget” cleaning up the camper, packing it and checking out possible free sites to see.
I ordered and received VERY quickly a vacuum part for my good sweeper from Cathy. Thanks again Cathy. Dh is suppose to install it tonight. Hopefully we calculated right as to what the problem was and I’ll have my expensive vacuum back for very little money.
Oh and in case you didn’t notice below. I did manage to get another blog update made.